Adore (e-dor’) 1. to glorify or worship 2. to treasure or cherish 3. to love deeply
Adventure (ad-ven’-cher) 1. a daring, hazardous undertakeing 2 an unusual, exciting, often suspenseful experience
Angel (an’-jel) 1. a messenger of God 2. characterized by having wings and a halo 3. one that is perfect, good and beautiful 4. one sent to watch over and protect; guardian
Baby - n.(ba'be) an infant, The youngest member of a family. Adorable, precious cargo, our hearts desire, the object of one's affection, a bundle of joy, a gift from heaven.
Believe (be-leve) 1. To put one's trust in 2. To accept on as fact 3. To have faith in
Blessed (bles’-id) 1. holy, sacred, fortunate, blissful 2. recipient of goodness
Bright (brit) 1. radiant with happiness, smiling faces, moments 2. radiating or reflecting light 3. of high saturation or brilliance
Celebrate (sel’-e-brat) 1. perform as a ritual 2. to commemorate with festivity 3. to do honor to 4. have a good time
Cherish (cher’-ish) 1. to hold dear 2. to treasure, adore, value and love 3. to keep deeply in mind
Delight (di-lit’) 1. to give great pleasure 2. to rejoice, or be highly pleased
Devotion (di-vo’-shen) 1. loyalty; allegiance 2. faithfulness driven by deep affection and love
Discover (di-skuv’-er) 1. to be the first to find 2. to learn of the existence of
Dream (drem) 1. images passing through a sleeping person’s mind 2. a daydream 3. to search and seek out
Enduring (en-door’-ing) 1. lasting; permanent 2. continuing on until the end
Enjoy (en’-joi) 1. to obtain pleasure from; relish 2. to have the use or benefit of 3. to enjoy oneself
Explore (ek-splor) 1. to investigate and examine something carefully 2. travel in a little known region 3. lively and cheerful 4. favorable; hopeful 5. illustrious
Forever (for-ev’-er) 1. for always, without end 2. without the bonds of time; eternal
Freedom (fre’-dem) 1. having independence from civil and political oppression 2. exemption from any obligation, discomfort or pain 3. a right or privilege
Fresh (fresh) 1. recently made, grown 2. not spoiled 3. not tired, lively 4. new, recent
Friendship (frend-ship) 1. the state of being friends 2. a mutual union or bond felt between people who care deeply for one another
Giggle (gig-uhl) 1. A giddy laughter 2. Laughter in a silly of nervous manner 3. Often accompanying secrets among young girls
Gratitude (grat-i-tood) 1.feeling or expression of thankfulness 2. the state of being grateful
Knowledge (nal’-ij) 1. facts obtained through learning 2. wisdom or expertise gained through experience 3. information obtained through education
Lazy (la’-ze) 1. not eager or willing to exert oneself 2. sluggish 3. the state of idleness due to lack of desire to act
Legacy (leg’-e-se) !. Something passed though a family, handed down as from an ancestor
Memories (mem’-e-rez) 1. the power to recall sensory experiences from the past 2. the act of remembering
Merry (mer-e) 1. lively; full of fun 2. festive or to be festive 3. to have fun 4. cheerfulness
Miracle (mir-e-kel) 1. an event or action unexplained by scientific law 2. an awesome or unimaginable
Paradise (par’-a-dise) perfection of beauty and peace
Passion (pash’-en) 1. intense emotion 2. the object of strong desire 3. that which inspires or fulfills
Precious (presh-es) 1. Of great worth 2. Beloved; cherished
Pride (prid) 1. dignity and self respect 2. great satisfaction in one’s accomplishments
Promise (pram’-is) 1. joint agreement to fulfill pre-determined commitments 2. assurance that certain obligations will be met regardless of conditions or circumstance
Pure (pyoor) 1. free from anything that taints 2. simple
Refresh (ri-fresh’) 1. to make fresh by cooling, wetting 2. to make a peron feel stronger by food, sleep etc. 3. pleasingly new and different
Relax (ri-laks’) 1. to release tension 2 to rest from work 3 to be at ease 4 to release physical or mental pressures from oneself
Remember (ri-mem’-ber) 1. to think of again 2. to bring back to mind 3. to be careful not to forget 4. to keep a memory alive 5. to look or think back
Romance (ro-mans’) 1. a long poem or tale written in a romance dialect, about the adventures of knights 2.a novel of love and adventure 3. excitement, love; the kind found in such literature 4. a love affair
Smile (smil) 1. To move the tips of one's mouth upward to express pleasure or happiness 2. To express pleasure by the features of the face 3. to laugh silently.
Solitude (sal’-e-tood’) 1. to be isolated; alone 2. being in a secluded place 3. healthy seclusion
Togetherness (to-geth’-ur-nes) 1. the spending of much time together, resulting in a more unified bond
Tradition (tre-dish’-en) 1. passing down of beliefs ands customs from one generations to the next 2. long-accepted and reoccurring practices associated with specific occasions
Treasure (trezh’-er) 1. accumulated wealth 2. something of great worth 3. irreplaceable; priceless