Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Zigzag Flower

Okay for This tutorial you will need ribbon or a strip of Fabric.
I used Fabric
For demonstration purposes I will show you how it works.
You don't have to draw a zigzag but I did just so I wouldn't do it wrong for the tutorial
Then with your threaded needle do stiches a little bigger
Then scrunch and tie the thread
You will then need a backing(felt) and a clip
Put a dab of hot glue on one end
turn it in a circle to attach
Then continue
putting in a circle as you go
untill its as big as you want it.
You can do another strip and add to make it huge!
Then put some glue on the felt
and attach
cover your clip with ribbon
and now attach
all done!
Now You can also add a center....A gem, button,etc. I choose just to leave it plain
Because its on a clip you can now just clip into your hair or even add to a headband.

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